Our next Parent Workshop will be on Monday 29th April at 9.30am. This is the second of a four part course for parents about Autism. In session 2 we will be focusing on communication and social skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


  • Easter Activities

    Mon 29 Mar 2021

    We had a great time on Friday taking part in lots of different Easter activities - see the photos here


  • End of Spring Term 2021

    Thu 25 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    This week has marked a full year since we first went into lockdown. What a strange and fragmented year it has been. However, your children have coped magnificently, and since returning on 8th March, have re-established relationships with staff & peers, and showed great resilience in their efforts to get back to routine. 


    We finish the Spring term tomorrow and are looking forward to Easter Egg Hunt and a dress down day. If your child wishes to come to school in their home clothes rather than school uniform, they are very welcome to. 


    We were extremely proud of how children joined in with Red Nose Day this year. There were some fantastic Superhero costumes, and the donations raised £176.10 for comic relief. Whilst we appreciate autistic children can often find change difficult, they were clearly well prepared for the day and therefore had lots of fun. Well done and thank-you! 


    Over the first weekend of the Easter break, it is extremely important that you alert the school if you have a positive case of Covid-19 in your household. You can contact the school using the office email address: Alternatively, you can call 07742 800987 (10am-12 noon). We will need information about any positive cases to be able to liaise with Public Health if necessary and do our own contact tracing. 


    If you have any Safeguarding concerns during the Easter break, you can call the Leicester Duty and Advice service on 0116 4541004; this is for Social Care support or Early Help support if you are having a crisis. The service is open 24 hours, 7 days a week.  


    As we get to the end of the Spring term now, I am sure we are all looking forward to some warmer weather and lighter nights ahead when we may actually be able to get together with others outside of our households, perhaps having an Easter Egg hunt or simply spending more time enjoying the changes in nature outdoors. The picture celebrates the beautiful colours of the festival of Holi which is being celebrated 28th- 29th March.  


    Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy this precious time with your child and please do stay safe. 


    Yours sincerely,

    Sarah Osborne


  • Coronavirus Update for Parents/Carers

    Fri 19 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Coronavirus Information

      I am writing to advise you that this week, unfortunately we have had two staff members who have tested positive for Coronavirus. The parents/carers of children in those classes that are affected have already been notified. The children and the staff teams have been asked to self-isolate for 10 days from the last day of contact. We have been assured by Public Health England that we have taken all the correct steps and that 'our safety measures are thorough'.


    Unfortunately, this has also had an affect on our ability to safely staff some of the other classes in the Willow pathway this week, with further staff members needing to self-isolate aswell. However, the actions we have taken have all been necessary to ensure that we follow the Government Guidelines and have been taken in consultation with our public health colleagues.

    Please do continue to be extremely vigilant to keep everyone safe. We would very much like everyone in our Oaklands community to be able to enjoy the Easter break, and want to do everything we can to ensure that our children and staff remain well. For those children expected in school next week, if you have any concern that your child may be at all ill, please notify the school office and keep them at home. If your child has nausea, diarrhoea or any other signs of illness, you MUST keep your child off school for at least 48 hours after the last bout of their illness. 


    If your child becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), you MUST keep them at home and you must follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that your child should self-isolate for at least 10 days and you should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119. Please email the results of any tests taken by members of your household during the isolation period as we need this information in order to safely bring your child back to school. Please email any results to


    If your child or a household member has symptoms of Coronavirus and you need further advice you can call NHS 111.


    If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. As always, your child’s safety is our utmost priority.


    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Red Nose Day

    Fri 19 Mar 2021

    We have been having lots of fun today celebrating Red Nose Day by dressing up as heroes!!  



  • Willow Class Closures

    Tue 16 Mar 2021

    16th March 2021


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Coronavirus Information: Class Closures


    I am writing to inform you that there has been a positive case of Coronavirus in your child’s pathway. As well as this, a number of staff members have been contacted to self-isolate by Test and Trace. I have spoken at length to Public Health England about the safety measures we have been taking within our school. They are satisfied that we have taken all the correct precautions and we have thorough methods in place to keep our school community safe. However, due to the lack of staff now available for this pathway, we cannot have Willow pathway in school for the rest of the week. Children from Robins, Frogs and Hedgehogs class will be able to return to school on Monday 22nd March. Children in Stoats class will be able to return on Tuesday 23rd March. Transport have been notified.


    If during this period, your child or anyone in your household becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) please follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that you should arrange to have a test to see if they or you have Coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119. Please email the results of any tests taken by members of your household during the isolation period as we need this information in order to safely bring your child back to school. Please email any results to

    Please be vigilant in continuing to look for the symptoms of Coronavirus. There is further advice about symptoms of Coronavirus in Children here: If your child or a household member has symptoms of Coronavirus and you need further advice you can call NHS 111.


    You will already have received your child’s remote learning plan previously from the class teacher. Please contact them through ClassDojo if you need anything further sending to you.


    If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. As always, your child’s safety is our utmost priority.



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Red Nose Day

    Thu 11 Mar 2021

    Dear Parent / Carers,


    Red Nose Day

    Friday 19th March 2021


    Red Nose Day 2021 is just around the corner and we’ve decided to join in the fun.


    We would like to ask children to dress up as a Superhero for the day. This can be a hero like a nurse or doctor, to a superhero like Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman or Wonder Woman.


    We appreciate many of our children do not like to have a change in their routine and may prefer to come to school in their Oaklands uniform. If you would like to send your child in their uniform and send the costume in a bag, we would be happy to see if they want to put it on later in the day.


    This is optional and a small donation of £1 would be very welcome for this worthy cause.


    To raise money, we’re going to sell red noses at school at £1.50 from Monday 15th March.  If you would like to purchase a red nose, please send the money in with your child.


    Yours sincerely,
    Sarah Osborne



  • Information about Covid-19 Rapid Test Kits for Parents/Carers

    Wed 10 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Leicester City Council have released further information about Rapid Tests on their website here.

    COVID-19 rapid tests

    Get a rapid result test to make sure you're not spreading the virus without realising. One in three people who have coronavirus have no symptoms.

    Who can get a rapid test?

    A rapid test is available to anyone who is not displaying symptoms.

    Where do I get a test?

    The centres below offer rapid tests: you don’t need to book an appointment and you get the result within an hour.

    • Adult Education College

    • Coleman Neighbourhood Centre

    • Eyres Monsell Community Centre

    • Fosse Neighbourhood Centre

    • Hamilton Library

    • Tudor Centre

    Open 8am-7pm from Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

    View map of test centres with live opening times.

    What if I test positive?

    If you receive a positive result you must immediately self-isolate at home. You will be contacted by Test and Trace with further guidance.

    What if I do have symptoms?

    If you have symptoms of COVID-19, please do not go to the rapid test centre. Isolate at home immediately and book an appointment at one of our other centres using the link  below:



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Letter to Parents/Carers

    Tue 09 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I am pleased to tell you that the return of all children went incredibly smoothly yesterday.


    After visiting classes and talking to teachers it is clear that children enjoyed being back at school. They quickly remembered routines and resumed the familiar ways of working. Staff were delighted to see your children again, with many having grown and changed since we last saw them. We look forward to the three weeks ahead before Easter whilst we reconnect and focus on supporting your child to start learning alongside their peers again.


    We were very proud today to be sent an award from ‘The Mighty Creatives’ who are supported by Arts Council England, recognising all the hard work that children and staff have done during the last 18 months celebrating creativity. From art, music & dance projects, spinney sessions & ASH Fridays in school to multi-sensory learning at home, these challenging times have not prevented children from exploring their interests and talents.




    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Letter for Parents/Carers

    Fri 05 Mar 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers


    We are all prepared in readiness for children returning to school on Monday. We very much look forward to welcoming them back on site.


    I know that teachers have had conversations with parents/carers during the week about the arrangements for Monday. All transport is arranged, although there may be some changes, such as the introduction of new white buses for some children instead of yellow ones. Unfortunately, we do not know which children this may affect so just wanted to share this with you as you may feel it necessary to prepare your child in case there is a change of colour. We have put a picture of this on our Facebook page here to help.


    If you have not yet read our Risk Assessment, this can be found on the Oaklands website here. You are welcome to contact the school office or phone us at school next week if you have any questions about this. Despite having a range of new measures in place now, such as regular home testing of staff (twice weekly) and over 60% staff now being vaccinated to help reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19, we remain extremely vigilant. Again, I ask for your continued support with this, so that we keep our Oaklands community safe. Please do not send your child in to school if they are at all unwell. We would rather you continue to err on the side of caution and keep them at home. Please call the school office if your child is not coming in to school.

    Remember if your child or a member of your family show any of the symptoms of coronavirus you must all isolate and book a test.

    The main symptoms are:

    • High temperature
    • new continuous cough
    • Loss or change to sense of taste
    • Loss or change to sense of smell.

    We have learnt this week that NHS Test and Trace have now announced that all adults in households with school and college age children without symptoms can access regular rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. Further information is available about this on the Government website here:  Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms. Rapid lateral flow tests help to find cases in people who may have no symptoms but are still infectious and can give the virus to others. The test usually involves taking a sample from your tonsils (or where they would have been) and from your nose, using a swab. You can get a result in 30 minutes. The tests can be ordered online or by phone. More information will be sent to you next week about this as it is rolled out more widely and the tests may also be available to collect from local Coronavirus test sites.


    This weekend, please do talk to your child about their return to school on Monday. Remind them of the things, and/or people, they like at Oaklands; favourite activities, fun things they have done in the past. Please reassure them and acknowledge their feelings if they do indicate that they are anxious. This is a natural feeling and should not be dismissed but recognised- "It's completely fine to feel like that at the moment". Pictures and photos are a great way to support your child to remember school, so looking at the website, our Facebook page, You Tube channel or Twitter (@OaklandsSchool_), and talking about what & who you can see is a good way to do this.


    We wish you all a very good weekend, and look forward to reconnecting with our Oaklands children again next week,



    Sarah Osborne

