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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Outreach at Oaklands

Outreach Service at Oaklands School


Oaklands School aims to support schools both locally and across the country to improve outcomes for pupils with special educational needs.  As part of this role we offer an outreach service to schools to develop your awareness of different needs and specific approaches that will raise your capacity to meet the needs of the pupils in your setting.


We offer

  • help and guidance in supporting individual pupils
  • training through the Ash Field Teaching Alliance either at Ash Field Academy,  Oaklands school or in your setting

If you are a professional who is interested in visiting us at Oaklands, we would be happy to welcome you and share our expertise. Please complete the referral form below and email it to

Feedback received: 

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and really appreciated the open culture of your school and the honest discussions we were able to have with the lead of the visit and classroom staff.  Our visit was really well planned and we would like to thank Vicky for organising it, ensuring that all areas were covered. We also appreciate being given the opportunity to contact Oaklands again to be able to discuss further areas - GANF Sandon School, Grantham


We would just like to thank everybody involved in our visit –the head and all those who were kind enough to allow us to sit in on their classes and take the time out to talk to us. Seeing the different classes working at the different levels allowed us to gauge at what level the children we have are - Heathfield Primary School, Birmingham.


I was very impressed with the structure of the morning and how well the children coped with a range of different activities. I also saw how teaching assistants were deployed very successfully resulting in a purposeful, engaging environment - Woodstock Primary Academy, Leicester.

Volunteering & work experience placements: As a school with vulnerable pupils and complex needs, we do not accept any work experience or volunteer placements from people under 18. Over 18s are only accepted where we can get a reference from an accredited education or training setting and we have interviewed the person to assess their suitability. Our children need a low arousal environment with known adults and a clear routine so changes in staffing can be distressing for them and impact on their learning. We therefore vet candidates for placements very carefully and expect that anyone wanting to work with us as a volunteer or on placement understands this.
