School finishes on Friday 12th July at 2.30pm. The Autumn term starts on Tuesday 27th August. There are lots of activity ideas for families to do over the summer break on our Summer Newsletter. In addition, see our Curriculum section for lots of fun ideas to keep children learning at home over the summer.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Intensive Interaction

Intensive Interaction


Teaches and develops the ‘Fundamentals of Communication’, attainments such as:

  • Use and understanding of eye contacts
  • Facial expressions
  • Vocalisations leading to speech
  • Taking turns in exchanges of conversation.


It works on early interaction abilities: how to enjoy being with other people, to relate, to know, to understand and practice communication routines.


Using Intensive Interaction (engaging attention through the use of body language)


5 Top tips:

  1. Empty yourself of your own agenda and enter the child’s world.
  2. Look for what your child’s body language is telling you has meaning for them, the physical feedback they are giving themselves, not just at what they are doing - but how they are doing it, since this will tell you how they are feeling. Watch the whole body rather than just the face.
  3. Tune in to the child with empathy using their ‘language’(noises/sounds/movements), with the aim of building up a ‘conversation’ and emotional engagement. Give them time to respond.
  4. Rather than mimicking and imitating them exactly, think of your answer as a response with very slight variations to attract their attention.
  5. Look out for negative responses (such as a flinch to light touch, moving away from you), which will indicate Hyper or Hyposensitivities. Stop if you feel they don’t want you near them or carry on from a distance.


REMEMBER: The child leads the session NOT you. Therefore, it could happen anytime, anywhere.

The child will eventually know that when they make a sound or movement, they will get an answer.

Aloneness becomes shared interest

They show pleasure and want to interact.


Intensive Interaction videos and information:
