Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Thursday 13th January at 10am. We will be focusing on how we support pupils to develop their literacy skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


The curriculum and strategies used to support development of Maths skills

All stages begin the Autumn term with a familiarisation, settling in and baselining. This is then followed by blocks of learning around different mathematical concepts. This will vary according to stages, but as an absolute rule of Mastery Maths, 80% of children should have mastered a skill/concept before the whole group moves on. Those who master it more quickly can overlearn and do extension and deepening understanding work so that they have 100% fluency.  

NCETM have set out ‘5 big ideas in teaching for mastery’:  

Much of the intended learning and skills to be mastered within the Mathematics curriculum is captured in the 185 Mathematical Skills OPAL steps. This ladder is broken into the following sub-sections:  

  • Number Awareness & Knowledge  

  • Rote Counting  

  • Rational Counting  

  • Number Sense & Knowledge  

  • Addition & Subtraction  

  • Multiplication & Division  

  • Matching Skills  

  • Pattern Awareness  

  • Shape  

  • Measure  

  • Time  

  • Money  

  • Space, Position & Direction  

  • Statistics 

What learning looks like in Willow pathway within this AoL: 

  • Explicit maths lessons taught 2x week, content is repeated in each lesson. 

  • Whole class input and my turn/your turn lasting 5-10 minutes before children have the opportunity to explore linked activities. 

  • Activities/lessons build on prior knowledge and learning through the sequence of skills blocks on the curriculum overview. 

What learning looks like in Elm pathway within this AoL: 

  • Explicit maths lessons taught 2x week - lessons are repeated twice each week. 

  • Whole class input and my turn/your turn lasting 5-10 minutes. 

  • Extended independent/group work at the tables to maintain concentration. 

What learning looks like in Cherry pathway within this AoL: 

  • 4 whole class lessons each week. 

  • Whole class input, activities (independent and group) are completed at the tables. 

  • Classes are split into groups based on understanding. 

  • Lessons are repeated twice with stretch and challenge added as needed. 

Strategies and teaching tools used to support development of Maths skills:  

  • Mastery approach 

  • Concrete, pictorial, abstract 

  • Songs and rhymes 

  • Repetition 

  • Opportunities for generalisation and cross-curriculum links 

Resources, training & CPD for staff & families: 

  • Nrich: 

  • NCETM: 





Staff CPD-see staffshare & OneDrive CPD folders:  

Oaklands school documents- Maths planning and resources 


  • Maths parent workshops 

  • Home-school communication via Dojo to support parents to repeat activities and practice learning at home. 

Strengths we celebrate about teaching & learning within this AoL: 

  • New Nurture curriculum provides a foundation for engaging children in maths learning and opportunities to progress to Willow curriculum. 

  • Linking maths in other areas of the curriculum. 

  • Clear progression/development across the Pathways can be seen through the skills blocks on the curriculum overviews. 

Areas for development & refining within this AoL: 

  • Maths Mastery approach to split/stream classes with Pathways and deliver different content based on understanding.

  • Ensure staff maximise opportunities for maths in different environments/routines to embed understanding and develop generalisation

  • Further Numicon training for staff to ensure it is used as effectively as possible 

