Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school. We are very much looking forward to meeting your child. In preparation for your child starting at Oaklands, we want to give you lots of opportunities to get to know us so that you and your child are ready to take the next steps. The transition arrangements for this year will include:
A parent meeting
A home visit for you to meet key members of staff so that you can ask any questions that you may have. Once we have the timetable for this we will contact you with the date and time.
A stay and play session for you and your child which will be an opportunity to meet the class teacher. We will contact you shortly to arrange a date and time.
A transition booklet that you can share with your child over the summer to help you prepare them.
A comprehensive admission pack so that you can share all that important information with us.
We will contact you shortly regarding the home visit and stay and play session, and look forward to meeting with you and your child.
Vicky Bland
Assistant Head Teacher