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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Rebound Therapy

Rebound Therapy is a therapeutic trampoline based exercise programme, developed in the 70's by Eddy Anderson. It has been developed to support a wide spectrum of disabilities.  Some of the benefits of Rebound Therapy, specifically for our children at Oaklands include the development of communication, whole body coordination, independence, relaxation and spacial awareness. The staff at Oaklands have really enjoyed the training and look forward to offering it for our children, we have already seen how much our children enjoy using the trampoline and observed some fantastic intensive interaction, speech and language and attention skills coming into the trampoline activities. 

Rebound Therapy is a progressive programme that is supported by its own assessment scheme, offering the children the opportunity to gain certificates and badges as they progress through the levels.  As children progress through these levels, they will learn skills which are transferrable to higher level gymnastics and trampolining skills.
