School finishes on Friday 12th July at 2.30pm. The Autumn term starts on Tuesday 27th August. There are lots of activity ideas for families to do over the summer break on our Summer Newsletter. In addition, see our Curriculum section for lots of fun ideas to keep children learning at home over the summer.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Red Nose Day

Dear Parent / Carers,


Red Nose Day

Friday 19th March 2021


Red Nose Day 2021 is just around the corner and we’ve decided to join in the fun.


We would like to ask children to dress up as a Superhero for the day. This can be a hero like a nurse or doctor, to a superhero like Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman or Wonder Woman.


We appreciate many of our children do not like to have a change in their routine and may prefer to come to school in their Oaklands uniform. If you would like to send your child in their uniform and send the costume in a bag, we would be happy to see if they want to put it on later in the day.


This is optional and a small donation of £1 would be very welcome for this worthy cause.


To raise money, we’re going to sell red noses at school at £1.50 from Monday 15th March.  If you would like to purchase a red nose, please send the money in with your child.


Yours sincerely,
Sarah Osborne


