Moving Forward
In November 2021 we were once again visited for a further assessment and amid these very strange circumstances, we are pleased to announce that, following our review Oaklands School have officially been awarded “Advanced Status” in the NAS Autism Accreditation. We are first school in Leicester and one of only 42 schools nationally to have achieved this status.
According to official NAS criteria, an “Advanced” provision “provides highly creative and very personalised support to enable each autistic person to achieve their full potential”.
NAS Autism Accreditation
The National Autisitic Society Autism Accreditation is the UK’s only autism-specific quality assurance programme of support and development for all those providing services to autistic people. It is a way for organisations to show they offer excellent support to autistic children and adults.
An in depth assessment took place over three days in May 2018, with outcomes measured against specific criteria that were met and demonstrated. This included the reviewers observing lessons, analysing documentation, and listening to pupil and parent voice about our school.