School finishes on Friday 12th July at 2.30pm. The Autumn term starts on Tuesday 27th August. There are lots of activity ideas for families to do over the summer break on our Summer Newsletter. In addition, see our Curriculum section for lots of fun ideas to keep children learning at home over the summer.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

School Improvement Plan

Our shared vision is that we are Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


We are achieving this by living our UNIQUE values every day, for everyone in our community


Our strategic priorities this academic year at Oaklands School are:

Empowering Staff

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Further training based on the distinctiveness of each of our 4 pathways ensuring clarity of curriculum offer for all stages & ambition we have for children is understood by all staff
  • Suite of optional CPD for staff to access to personalise their own learning
  • Codification for staff roles relating to new vision statement, mission and UNIQUE values so all are committed to our shared purpose

Finance & Sustainability:

  • Effective financial plan by Governors & leaders to ensure financial sustainability
  • Sustainability group develop a climate action plan for tracking our energy consumption as well as ‘Greening the curriculum’
  • Leaders develop ITT intensive practice offer (ITAP)

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Succession planning for Chair of Governors’ role
  • Effective induction process for new Governors so all are effectively engaged with curriculum vision and areas of learning
  • Development of secondary provision & KS3 curriculum through discussion with Governors, LA, parents & staff

Parental Engagement

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Increase parent/carer volunteering for educational visits, providing effective induction
  • Maximise support for parents by offering workshops in alternative locations in Leicester City and publicising events in key languages spoken
  • Increase autism awareness and acceptance trialling locally through offered support for community venues to be more autism-friendly

Finance & Sustainability:

  • Increase fundraising for the school through organisation and hosting of National Autism Acceptance week event, including pupil participation in fundraising through curriculum & enrichment opportunities as well as local community/business
  • Build awareness of the school and autism acceptance by increasing local media presence

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Maximise parent/carer & pupil participation in fundraising through a whole year school development project ie playground, including this being a focus for our National Autism Acceptance Week event

Pupil Voices

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Pathway specific training to increase staff skills and understanding of Means, Reasons and Opportunities for communication to maximise pupil voice
  • Two TAs to be trained as communication intervenors by SaLT, with analysis of impact
  • Communication Tracker will be revised with SaLT following National AAC Training Event, to ensure that all small steps progress is detailed, across different types of AAC & pupils’ stages of development

Finance & Sustainability:

  • NAS monitoring visit will be used as QA for priority actions & impact relating to communication
  • Cost benefit analysis at mid and end year points to identify impact of training on pupil progress, including evaluation by SaLT

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Internal & external QA will evidence that staff maximise opportunities to elicit children’s voices across the school day
  • Parent/carer workshops empower them to provide MRO for communication at home and subsequently feedback more confidence in their own skills and knowledge to support their individual child

Maximising Learning

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Training & refined planning documentation for educational visits will ensure clarity of purpose to maximise learning opportunities, increasing OPAL progress relating to Self-Care in the Community Skills
  • Communication resources will be well planned and provided for all pupils on educational visits
  • Active monitoring of the quality of planning for educational visits by leadership team to ensure purposeful learning is maximised

Finance & Sustainability:

  • Cost benefit analysis at the mid-point of the year will identify which educational visits offer the most learning and value for money

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Staff debriefs post-visit will be used to improve each subsequent visit, with a focus on communication learning objectives
  • Community Visits parent/carer workshops will support parents/carers to increase their children’s involvement in the community with school providing resources to support this
  • Educational visit tracker will be used to ensure there is an increase in parental engagement as volunteers