Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

School Improvement Plan

Our shared vision is that we are Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


We are achieving this by living our UNIQUE values every day, for everyone in our community


Our strategic priorities this academic year at Oaklands School are:

To implement our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Policy so that every member of the Oaklands Community can flourish:

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • CPD about the DEIB policy and aspects of development including inclusive language and unconscious bias
  • Develop leadership & personal development routes for various staff groups


Finance & Sustainability:

  • Budgeting & expenditure for changes to texts/visuals for our DEIB policy to be effectively implemented
  • Refining Accessibility Policy and plan
  • Assess & implement any site works & facilities to increase accessibility and increase use for lettings


Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Share DEIB Policy with all stakeholders & involve a range of stakeholders in DEIB Action Plan
  • Develop student leadership and self-advocacy
  • Provide support and advice for pupils and staff from other settings, particularly in relation to neurodiversity and different learning needs i.e., through Challenge Partners network, Local Authority links, IQM Network

To embed the new Nurture curriculum, so pupils are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes & continuous provision can be shared as an exceptional approach to teaching pupils working within the Engagement Model Framework:

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Generalise assessment practice explicitly linking Engagement Model to OPAL
  • Implement progress scrapbooks across the pathway & moderate their us
  • Leadership & teacher peer observations to ensure consistency of working practices across the pathway
  • Further CPD relating to purposeful play for learning to ensure consistently high quality of approach across the classes
  • Use NAS standards to ensure that all approaches in pathway are consistent with these
  • Develop SENsory Atelier implementation in Nurture pathway drawing on Summer 24 residency

Finance & Sustainability:

  • Review equipment needed to maximise learning in the Nurture pathway and ensure that all resources required are planned for in the budget

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Share Nurture pathway/Engagement Model approaches with parents & carers, any visiting professionals and present for external training/conferences including Challenge Partners Area of Excellence & Sharing Leading Practice event

To further enhance the distinctiveness of our pathways so that pupils can be offered the right learning at the right time for them as unique individuals:

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Pathway leader & SLT joint observations & scrutiny of planning to ensure that there is a clear progression of teaching and learning between all pathways
  • Review of the Pathways Explained document – ensuring it reflects the needs of pupils in each pathway 2024. Specific focus on pitch of Willow teaching, to ensure all learning is pitched effectively for the learners in that pathway
  • Ensure that the stages of play are effectively used in planning across the pathways so that play interaction teaching maximises progress for learners at all stages
  • Play experiences will be used effectively as a tool for child-led learning


Finance & Sustainability:

  • Use of INSET time to develop the philosophy of Willow 2024 and consider how the planning will need to be refined


Stakeholder Engagement:

  • All classroom staff to have a clear understanding of the learning needs and philosophy of learning for the pupils in their pathway ready for Autumn 2024
  • SENsory Atelier feedback from all staff involved (Cherry & Nurture teams) to consider the impact of child-led ‘playful’ learning experiences and how they can be integrated into future planning

To further refine our Educational Visits offer to ensure that all pupils have increased opportunities to widen their worlds and develop cultural capital:

How will we do this?

Curriculum & CPD:

  • Establish individual Educational Visits pupil progress trackers to ensure learning is effectively built upon in Autumn Term 2024-25, with educational visits starting promptly in the new academic year
  • Review Self-Care in the Community OPAL Ladders to ensure breadth of objectives is covered for all stages


Finance & Sustainability:

  • Review of budgets for educational visits and experiences
  • Augment & make new links with links with local businesses and organisations, including exploring sponsorship/funding


Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Building relationships with local venues to maximise community engagement e.g. library, shops
  • Further development of parental involvement in EVs through information sent out identifying opportunities, strategies and impact on a child’s development (cultural capital)