We have two speech and language therapists who work with the staff at Oaklands to support our children with their communication and language needs. Each term, they visit classes and assess pupils. They then spend time with the class teacher, discussing how we can support the pupils’ needs together. This advice is used by the teacher to build into daily, personalised planning for the pupils, to ensure that the speech and language needs of the child are addressed consistently.
The speech and language therapist will observe regularly in the class throughout the term, and the teacher will seek additional advice where required. Strategies suggested will be used by the teacher across all areas of the curriculum to develop each child’s language skills as a pre-requisite for learning in other areas. For some pupils with specific speech and language issues, they may require focused 1:1 support with the Speech and Language Therapist.
Our Speech and Language Therapists are Farhana Liorgat and Aaminah Patel.