School finishes on Friday 12th July at 2.30pm. The Autumn term starts on Tuesday 27th August. There are lots of activity ideas for families to do over the summer break on our Summer Newsletter. In addition, see our Curriculum section for lots of fun ideas to keep children learning at home over the summer.
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Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Safeguarding Advice and Support for Families

What is Private Fostering?


Private fostering is where it is planned for a child to live with, or discovered that a child is living with someone who is not a close relative for 28 days or more. The local authority must be notified so that they can assess and support them to ensure it is a safe place for the child to live. Close relatives are step-parents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and grandparents. Other people, such as neighbours, friends or more distant relatives need to have an assessment. Following a successful assessment, the local authority must visit the child regularly to ensure they are and remain safe. 


Regardless of the reason, any child separated from their parents is potentially vulnerable. We all therefore have responsibilities to ensure the alternative care any privately fostered child receives meets their welfare and safety needs.


If you are planning for your child to be cared for by someone else, even for a short period of time, please contact the school office 0116 2415921 and ask to speak to a member of the senior leadership team so we are aware of what changes will be happening in your child's life, we can help prepare them for it and if necessary, we can support you to get in contact with the local authority.


What is Home Elective Education?


Parents, not the state, are responsible for ensuring that your child, if he or she is of compulsory school age, is properly educated. Elective home education is a term used to describe a choice by parents to provide education for their children at home or in some other way they desire, instead of sending them to school full-time.


Educating children at home works well when it is a positive choice and carried out with a proper regard for the needs of the child


Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 provides that:

The parent of every child of compulsory school age shall cause him to receive efficient full-time education suitable -

(a) to his age, ability and aptitude, and

(b) to any special educational needs he may have,

either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.

Elective home education is a form of ‘education otherwise than at school’ and this piece of legislation is the basis for the obligations of parents. It is also the starting point for local authorities’ involvement.


Parents should consider whether home education is realistically possible in their family’s particular circumstances, and if the child is happy to be educated in this way. The local authority may wish to gain the child’s opinion on the suitability of the home education received (as distinct to the question of the child’s preference for being educated at home rather than at school), as this can be relevant to any decision it needs to make on whether the section 7 requirements above are met.


Child to Parent Violence 


Although there is no 'official' definition, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales, Nicole Jacobs, says that CPVA is 'CAPVA is a form of family abuse where children/adolescents use a range of harmful behaviours towards parents/caregivers in an attempt to get their own way, hurt or punish, communicate distress and/or control their environment.' 
Useful resources 


Dfe Advice for Parents regarding Elective Home Education: Elective home education


Website: PAC-UK | Child to Parent Violence Services 
Website: Child on parent violence | Reducing the Risk 
Booklet: Child to Parent Violence - a practical guide 

Other Safeguarding Links For Parents:


NSPCC Underwear - Talking PANTS teaches children important messages, like their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried


NSPCC Safeguarding - Everyone has a responsibility to keep children and young people safe


LSCP- On this website you can access information about the Leicester Safeguarding Children's Partnership Board


FGM Centre - Find out more about Female Genital Mutilation, including signs of it.
