Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Thursday 13th January at 10am. We will be focusing on how we support pupils to develop their literacy skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Support for our Parents/Carers during Coronavirus

Dear Parents/Carers,


We hope that you are all continuing to stay well. Our phone calls and emails received from you have been very positive, but with some common issues of many children finding it difficult to sleep, and 'homeschooling' often proving tricky. Please be reassured that no-one is expecting parents to suddenly become teachers. The most important thing for your children remains that they stay safe, and the best way you can support them currently is to help them to feel calm, to play, and for you to avoid putting pressure on yourself or your child.


Join in with the Oaklands teachers singing familiar songs and rhymes, and learn some Makaton signs! There are many ideas for activities you can do with your child at home that we have already put on our website. However, this week, teachers are recording short video clips for your child to stay 'connected' with us. This could be a very valuable tool for you to help keep your child calm whilst they are learning at the same time. You can have some fun watching the short film clips with your child. There are a few songs on there already and we will be adding more in the next few days. Your child could then perhaps start to choose which song or teacher they want to join in with. We hope they are useful to you and you enjoy them.


The council has set up a dedicated crisis support email address which you can use if you’re worried about having enough food, paying your bills or feeling lonely and isolated.  If you’re worried about an elderly neighbour you can alert them too.  Email giving your telephone number and a member of staff will call you back between 9.30am and 4pm, from Monday to Friday.


There has been a temporary extension of Free School Meals eligibility during the Coronavirus pandemic. Information about Free School Meals can be found here. This includes signposting for families on how to apply with the new extension. Only children whose parents and carers meet the eligibility criteria will receive the free school meal entitlement during this time.The universal offer is not included with the ongoing arrangements. 


The Leicester Children's Centres are trying to #GetLeicesterSmiling. This is all about families sharing an idea on the Leicester Children's Centres' Facebook page to make Leicester residents smile.  To get involved you could send a photo of yourselves smiling or get really creative and share a picture, poem, comedy sketch or dance routine.  You are then asked to share it on Facebook, tag the council's page @leicesterchildrenscentres and use the hashtag #GetLeicesterSmiling.  There are also prizes to be won!


Please do also continue to send any photos of what your child has been doing to  There will be another Oaklands Newsletter coming soon!

Take care and stay safe.


Sarah Osborne

