Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Start of Term Update

Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to you this evening regarding Union advice to all staff who work in schools that you may have read about on social media or seen on TV today. A number of Unions have written to their members advising them that it is not safe to return to school. This advice applies to all primary and secondary schools, special schools and SEND settings, colleges and early years settings. Whilst our Prime Minister has today said that it is safe for children to be in school, the Unions have considered carefully the advice from the SAGE advisory group and the rising number of infection rates, and do not feel that it is advisable for staff or children to be in school. Their advice applies for at least the first two weeks of term.


As you will appreciate, our staff team have been reading this carefully over the weekend, and whilst wanting to continue to with face to face education on site, there is compelling advice that in order to help reduce the rate of spread of the Covid-19 virus and to keep all children and staff safe, there should be a return to remote learning for pupils.  


Infection rates are far higher than at the end of last term.  This increase has been promoted by the new variant of the Covid-19 virus which was not properly understood at that time.


Therefore, I am writing tonight to advise you that we will send further communication tomorrow morning, but it is likely that the school may need to return to remote learning, except for the children of key workers/& those with a social worker.


We apologise that this comes at such short notice, however, as you will appreciate, the national picture is changing rapidly and the Union advice has come over the weekend.


As always during this situation, the safety of everyone in our school community is our key priority.

We appreciate your support,



Sarah Osborne
