Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Return to School - August 2022

Welcome Back

Dear Parents/Carers,


It has been a wonderful first week back for pupils at Oaklands. We have been thrilled to see all children settling into their classes so smoothly, getting to know the staff and meeting their new peer groups. Thank-you for preparing them well and getting children on the bus/taxi or ready in the car to arrive at 8.45am. Attendance this week has been very good.


It has been a joy to meet our new children across the school. We have welcomed 18 new children who have been smiling and playing alongside their peers already- We are very proud of the way in which they have started their new school!


Car Park: The car park arrangements have worked smoothly this week despite having reduced space whilst the crane is on site. Thank-you to parents who transport children. We appreciate your patience and understanding, supporting us to keep everyone safe at the start and end of each day. 


Expansion: For those children who were already at Oaklands, I am sure they will have noticed some changes at the front of the school as they arrived on site this week. We have a large, green crane in the car park now that is moving the steel to put in place for our school expansion. The site is looking different every day. Many of our children can see the work happening at the front of the building as they have their lunch.


Our UNIQUE Vision:


We are an Autism Specialist school and work with every child to develop their full potential and with the community to develop understanding in society about Autism


Every member of Oaklands school (children, staff & families) is nurtured to develop their talents and interests


We insist on high quality communication & interaction between children, staff and community in every environment at all times, so that every member of our school can express their character and value


We strive to excel in every area of school life and in our work with the community


Oaklands is a family and everyone who is involved with school has value and can contribute to our shared learning


All learners are engaged and challenged through a curriculum that meets their needs and prepares them for the world


Please do continue to check Class Dojo and the school website for any updates. New parents/carers, should have been sent a link by email to join Class Dojo. You receive regular updates about your child’s activities and progress through Class Dojo and it also gives you the facility to message the class team if you need to let them know anything. If you need any support or further information about this, please contact the office;

You can also find us on Twitter and we have our own You Tube channel & a Facebook page Twitter: @Oaklands_

You Tube:



This term, all children will be exploring a variety of learning experiences from reading exciting stories such as Whatever Next! to preparing pitta bread pizza and practicing valuable life skills. There will also be a whole school day about Space on 6th October & Diwali on 14th October.


We look forward to getting to know your children again this term. They are all a joy to work with!


If you have any questions, queries or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch through the school office.



Sarah Osborne

