Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Thursday 13th January at 10am. We will be focusing on how we support pupils to develop their literacy skills.
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Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Oaklands School Ofsted Report

Re: Oaklands School Ofsted Report


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am now delighted to be able to share our Ofsted Report with you following the Inspection visit we had on 13th & 14th February.


This Inspection was an ‘ungraded Inspection’, which means that the purpose of the visit was to determine whether the school remains ‘Good’. As you will read, Inspectors found that ‘Pupils flourish at Oaklands’, that we have ‘highly trained and skilled staff’ who work ‘highly effectively’ and that ‘the curriculum is highly personalised to pupils’ needs’. The full report can be found on our website here. We are extremely pleased with all of the comments in the Report and I am so proud that it reflects the continuous hard work of our whole staff team and Governors. Thank you also to all of you who took the time to complete the parent/carer survey; your feedback was an important part of the Inspection process.


The outcome of the report identifies that if this had been a Graded Inspection (where the grade can be changed) Oaklands School could have received an Outstanding judgement: There has been no change to this school’s overall judgement of good as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now.


The staff team & Governing body are delighted with this Ofsted Report, as a public endorsement of everyone’s dedication, morale and commitment to the pupils and community we serve.


During the Inspection, the Lead HMI Inspector, told us that this was not borderline, that our work in all areas is Outstanding, and she urged us to make sure that we continue to share our exceptional practice with other schools more widely.


As it was an ungraded Inspection, we are now awaiting another visit from Inspectors, which they have said will be in 1 -2 years, for a graded Inspection.


We hope you enjoy reading the report,



Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)
