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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Important Advice for Parents/Carers about Tuesday 1st

Dear Parents/Carers,


We are all very much looking forward to welcoming your children in to school on Tuesday. Staff have been busy this week, preparing the environment and ensuring that everyone will be able to return to Oaklands safely next week. We will be excited to see how your children have grown and changed during their time away.


To ensure that we have a smooth start to the day on Tuesday, as communicated with you in the letter sent previously, we have a staggered start to the day. This will enable us to socially distance as children come on site and enter the building. 


If your child travels by bus or taxi, please have your child ready for transport when it arrives in the morning, so that they arrive at Oaklands at the allocated time. 


If you are a parent/carer who brings your child to school, please can I remind you that if you come by car you MUST stay in your vehicle and a member of staff will come to collect your child from you. For parents/carers with children in Willow/Cherry Classes (Frogs, Squirrels, Hedgehogs, Stoats, Robins, Dormice, Hares, Deers, Rabbits) we ask that you arrive between 8.40am and 9.00am please. For those parents/carers who are bringing children in Chestnut Pathway (Badgers, Owls, Beavers), please do not arrive at school before 9.10am, please, to avoid congestion in the car park.


Please do be patient in the car park on the first day back. We are unsure what the volume of traffic will be like on our own site and on Whitehall Road with other schools around us returning on Tuesday too. It will be essential that we work together to keep everyone safe.


Please can I remind you to complete the Health Screening form that was sent out to you by post, and send it with your child on their first day back. However, to ensure that we minimize risk of infection from the outside environment, we remind you not to send in a book bag. The transport escort will pass over any items you need to send in such as PE kit, nappies and packed lunch.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team look forward to seeing the children again next week and will contact you to let you know how they have settled.


Have a lovely bank holiday weekend,



(This advice has also been sent to parents/carers via Weduc)
