Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

End of 1st Summer Half Term

Dear Parents/Carers,


We are now at the end of an extremely successful half term. Children are well-established back in the school routines and staff have enjoyed seeing them grow and achieve again in the school environment this term.



Half Term Contact Tracing: Schools have been asked to continue their contact tracing role during the half term break. If we are notified of any positive cases next week, we will of course update you. It is very important that if your child becomes unwell with any of the symptoms of Covid-19: a high temperature, a new or continuous cough, a loss of taste/smell, you take them for a PCR test. Please notify the school office as soon as possible if you have to take your child for a PCR test and if they have a positive test result: or call 07742 800987 (10am-12 noon)


If you have not yet had a vaccination, we would encourage you to contact your GP about where and when you can have a vaccination. There is additional capacity across the city to do this now. We are also aware that if you register as a carer (for your SEND child) with your GP then you are able to get both vaccinations more quickly.


Parent/Carer Support: With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Bild (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) have been providing a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) helpline to provide support for family carers and support staff during Covid-19. Self-help featured highly on the requests for support that were being received so a range of resources and information can be found on their website here:


Beat The Street: We were thrilled to see on the first day of Beat the Street, Oaklands was the 2nd school on the leaderboard. We are now 1st!! Well done to parents/carers who have been out with children and got active! It is a great scheme and we would encourage you to keep us at the top of the board by using the map sent to explore the local area, improve physical and mental wellbeing for your family and help the school possibly win some great prizes.


School Trips: Next half term, we are intending to start taking children out into the local environment again. We feel that this is a valuable part of our curriculum and we want to help prepare children for going out with families during the six-week summer break. This may simply begin with children having a picnic at the front of the school beside our lovely Oak tree, and extend to a walk down Whitehall Road including using the zebra crossing, to perhaps visiting the park or going to a local shop.


Year 6 Leavers: Next half term we will continue to prepare our Year 6 children for moving on to a new school. We are still considering how to say Goodbye to them and the best way to involve parents considering Covid-19 safety measures. We will of course keep you updated.


Diary Date: On Thursday 8th July between 10-11am we will hold a virtual end of term coffee morning for parents. The leadership team would very much like the opportunity to catch up with parents (via Teams) before the end of term. More information will be sent to you about this after half term.


We wish you all a happy half term,


Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)
