Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Easter Contact Numbers


Support for Families: We appreciate that this may be a difficult time for many families. There are some helpful numbers below incase you may need any support:


Duty and Advice Service (DAS)  0116 454 1004 (For Social Care or the Early Help response team depending on what option you pick. This number is for support if you are particularly struggling; a social worker will talk to you about your concerns and will advise of any action required. The service is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, all year. The service is the first point of contact for all new referrals to children's services and will deal with anything that relates to city children)


Oaklands Family Support worker (Dhrupti Champaneri)- 07842601349


Oaklands Safeguarding phone number- 07742 800987 for reporting general concerns or for Operation Encompass reporting


Citizen advice- 0300 330 1025


Salvation Army - 0116 262 1834 (food bank) 


Uava (united against violence and abuse) - 0808 80 200 28

Free text support 07715 994 962


Disabled Children Service (DCS) - 0116 454 4710


Samaritans -  Free from any phone -  116 123 (listening service) 


Turning point - 0330 3036000


Sexual Health Clinic  - 0300 124 0102


Crisis Team - 0808 800 3302


Communication: Please use our website, Weduc or Twitter (@OaklandsSchool_) to keep up to date with any information or changes. We will update these regularly during the next few months.  If you have not yet downloaded the Weduc App, you can email the office for instructions about how to do this:


Please do try to reassure your child during the coming weeks. These are very unusual circumstances but we need to try and reduce anxiety that this may cause for our children, particularly as social distancing instructions from the Government may last some considerable time. 


We wish you all well. Stay safe. Stay at home.
