Welcome Back! Our next Parent Workshop/coffee morning will be on Tuesday 14th January at 12.30pm. We will be focusing on stages 3 and 4 PECS and how we support pupils to develop their communication skills.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Christmas End of Term 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


We would just like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas time and thank you all for your continued support through what has been a challenging and yet enjoyable & successful term. Your children always amaze us, and this term they have shown incredible resilience and flexibility. We know that for our children at Oaklands, returning to school after the first lockdown would have been incredibly difficult. However, with your help in preparing them to return and our staff team’s thorough planning for each child, they quickly adapted to changes and new routines. The term has seen many achievements across the school, for individuals and groups of children, despite the interruptions with self-isolation periods for most classes at different points. We appreciate how parents/carers have worked hard during these self-isolation period, using remote learning packs to ensure that children continue to be stimulated and work towards targets where possible at home. As a parent myself, I acknowledge that it is not easy to try and replicate school activities in the home environment.


Thank you for continuing to send your child in to school. Whole school attendance continues to be exceptionally strong and we are grateful that despite concerns about the pandemic, parents/carers have demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that our Oaklands children continue to get their education; to learn, have fun and progress together. Please can I ask you to continue to promote strong attendance in the new year.


Just a reminder that the children finish school today and will return on Tuesday 5th January. We do hope that you have kept the information sent yesterday to contact us if your child tests positive for Covid-19 between 18th-23rd December: Tel: 07742 800987 or email


We require this information to undertake contact tracing within our school community. If your child develops symptoms after 12pm on Wednesday 23rd December, then there is no requirement to notify school.


  If necessary, we will continue to communicate with you during the Christmas break via Weduc or the   school website. Please do continue to check for any messages, particularly up to 23rd December and before returning on 5th January.


Although there are many things that we are all missing during the pandemic, I am truly thankful for our close knit Oaklands community of children, families & staff, who at difficult times such as this, always come together, showing kindness and support to one another. I look forward to a time when I  can welcome you back into school to catch up and celebrate the joy your children bring to us all.


 But for now, our whole staff team would like to wish you a restful and very happy Christmas break & thank-you once again for all your hard work and support throughout this term. You and your children are amazing! Thank-you.



Sarah Osborne

