Our next parent forum will be on Thursday 20th March. This will be an opportunity to meet with Mala our family support worker and other parents for a cuppa and chat and to share ideas.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Parent Governors Wanted



              Oaklands School


     Parent Governors Wanted



Do you have the time and skill set to become a School Governor? We are hoping to recruit new Parent Governors to support our journey from Good to Outstanding.

As you will be aware, Oaklands School is a very special place; from the majestic oak tree outside the school building to the spinney at the back, it is full of nature, open spaces, and opportunities to learn. Our school building is unusual: built in a square with a garden and playground at the centre. All of our classrooms have outside space and look out onto trees and play areas. This ‘inside-outside’ aspect of the school building perfectly reflects the ‘inside-outside‘ way of living and learning at Oaklands for every member of our community, whether staff, parent or child. We want the same for our governors and will support you with training so no experience is needed- just a commitment to termly school visits and approximately 8 meetings over the year.

We want all of our pupils to be confident happy children who know they have value and who have a sense of their own abilities. We want them to be able to communicate in whatever way or ways they are comfortable with; to have a voice and be listened to; to know that they have rights and responsibilities, and that they are entitled to learning that is fun, challenging and meaningful whatever their abilities or starting points. 

This is an exciting opportunity for a parent to join the Governing Body. Our school is changing and growing and we value Parent Governor input to ensure that we always achieve the best outcomes for our children. We offer support and training and would love to hear from you if you are interested. Please do call to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership team if you are considering joining us. Contact Oaklands School at 0116 241 5921 or by email to:
