Our next Parent Workshop will be on Monday 11th November at 10am. We will be focusing on Positive Behaviour Support and strategies that can be used to support our pupils.
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Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

Information for Parents/Carers during Lockdown

Wednesday 6th January


Dear Parents/Carers,

National Lockdown


Following on from Boris Johnsons televised broadcast on Monday evening, I am contacting you about the National Lockdown and what this means for our school community.


As already communicated with you, the school is now only open to children of ‘critical workers'; and our most ‘vulnerable children’. Following the Government announcement, this arrangement will be until February half term.


Obviously, we all hope that infection rates will reduce and that our school can re-open properly as soon as possible. However, we are confident currently that children are now safe at home and we will continue to do everything that we can to support you. If your child is at home, you will continue to get a weekly phone call from the class teacher. This is both a well being check and to offer any support or advice you may need for remote learning activities. You can also contact your child’s class teacher using ClassDojo. Our Family Support Worker, Dhrupti Champaneri, is also able to support where there are issues you may need support with for your family ie housing, finance. There will always be someone available on site Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 3.15pm. If you wish to talk to a member of the Senior Leadership team; if you have any concerns or are finding the situation at home particularly difficult, please do call for a chat. Your child’s and your own well being is important to us. There are further support lines at the end of this letter.


Remote Learning (learning at home) has been sent for all children and teachers are happy to provide additional support or activities where required. Please do continue to use our website, the Curriculum area, for additional film clips and activities. There are speech sounds that can be practised, stories to listen to and join in with, science clips to watch or try at home and much more.

BBC TV is going to help children with learning at home during the lockdown. They will show curriculum based programmes on TV from Monday which will include 3 hours of primary school programming each day on CBBC.

Joe Wicks is restarting his online PE lessons from Monday 11th January, to help families keep fit during lockdown. Live sessions would run on his YouTube channel at 9am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Oak National Academy also has a range of resources online including lessons for children with SEND.

We would like to stay ‘connected’ with you, so please do send any photos of your child involved in activities at home to


If your child is in school, they will continue to work in a small group with appropriate staffing ratios. We have revised our Risk Assessment which can be found on the Home Page of our Oaklands website. Please ensure that your child continues to come to school in clean clothes each day and avoid sending in bags/items that are not essential for them to have in school.


If your child receives Free School Meals, we will be providing vouchers as done during the first National Lockdown. These will be sent to you on a two-week cycle. Children in school will continue to receive a Free School Meal if eligible.


Numbers for support during the lockdown:

Safeguarding Support:

Duty and Advice Service 0116 4541004

(For Social Care or Early Help support- if you are having a crisis, please contact this number)

Family and Personal Support

Samaritans 116 123- Free from any phone

Crisis Team 0808 800 3302

Text ‘Shout’ to 85258 

(24hr mental health & wellbeing support line)

Autism Helpline (NAS)- 0808 800 4104  10am – 12pm and 1pm - 3pm, Monday to Friday

Citizens advice- 0300 330 1025

Salvation Army - 0116 262 1834 (food bank) 

Uava (united against violence and abuse) - 0808 80 200 28

Free text support 07715 994 962

Turning point - 0330 3036000

Sexual Health Clinic  - 0300 124 0102


We will stay in contact with you via Weduc and the school website with whole school information. Please do check these regularly.

Thank-you once again for your support during this difficult time.

Stay safe


Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)
