Dear Parents/Carers,
Due to the current situation, and Leicester now going in to Tier 3: Very High Alert restrictions from 2nd December, we have been looking carefully at what we will be able to do in the run up to Christmas this year. There are usually school performances and assemblies for parents to share in, but unfortunately this year, as you will appreciate, in order to keep everyone safe, we have had to cancel these. However, we will ensure that we close the year with some enjoyable and festive activities for each class; staff are looking forward to Christmas Crafts, a special lunch, Christmas Jumper day and lots of singing with your children!
With stringent measures in school to keep children and staff safe during the Coronavirus, we will continue to need to open windows for ventilation. As the weather has changed recently, please do send your child with appropriate layers of clothing to keep them warm. If you feel that they would benefit from wearing an extra layer, like a fleece jacket, please do send your child in with them, as well as their coat now for outdoor learning sessions.
It is the official Save the Children Christmas Jumper day on Friday 11th December. If your child would like to wear a Christmas jumper to school on that day, they are most welcome. We do understand however, that some of our autistic children do not like the change of routine and find different clothing on a school day difficult to cope with, so please do not feel obliged. Equally, if your child does not have a Christmas jumper, please do not feel obliged to go and buy one. If they would like to join in by wearing something more brightly coloured, or ‘dress down’ clothing, that would be lovely. If well prepared before-hand, they may accept a change, but we are happy for children to come in their normal school uniform if they would prefer. As sent out on previous correspondence, please do make sure that all clothing worn to school by your child is clean each day, in line with our Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Our Christmas Lunch is booked for Wednesday 16th December, which children will eat with their class group, so please do feel free to send your child in a Christmas jumper/colourful clothing on that day too. More information will come to you about that from the office.
Our partners Magic Breakfast are offering an opportunity to provide breakfast food over the Christmas holidays by Amazon delivery. Families will receive the breakfast packs* week commencing 21st December. Further information on how to register will be sent on Monday 30th November by Weduc.
*1 pack of 5 New York Bagels, 1 Box of Cereal/Quaker Oats porridge sachets, 1 x 2.62 tin of Heinz Baked Beans and Arla milk voucher for 2 litres
This year particularly, knowing that many families are suffering from hardships caused by Coronavirus, we would like to encourage our Oaklands Community to support our local foodbank. With more people than ever expected to need to use a food bank during the festive period, we feel that it is important for us to get involved and help those most in need. So, instead of sending Christmas cards to those in school this year, and therefore minimising risks caused by things coming in to school, if you are able to, we would like to ask you to join us in providing just a couple of items for the food bank, such as tinned supplies, pasta, rice. Please send items in on:
Friday 4th December and/or
Friday 11th December
We will collect them from your child as they come in to the school and these will stay in an office area until we take them to the food bank.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
Many thanks for your support,