Dear Parents/Carers,
If during the Christmas break your child or anyone in your household becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) please follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that you should arrange to have a test to see if they or you have coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119. Please email the results of any tests taken by your child during the Christmas period as we need this information for tracing purposes; we will still be required to contact families and staff who may have been contacts.
Please email any Covid-19 results to or call me directly on 07742800987 during the Christmas period between 10am and 12 pm noon from 18th-23rd December.
We ask that you retain the telephone numbers attached; stick them on the fridge or keep them somewhere you can easily find them if you do have a case of Coronavirus in your house. There are also other numbers for use over the Christmas holidays if you require support, find yourself struggling or are at a crisis point. Please do ask for help, there is always someone to turn to.
Stay safe!
Sarah Osborne