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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

End of Academic Year Letter

Wednesday 12th July

End of Academic Year

Dear Parents,


It has been another very busy, yet successful year at Oaklands. We are immensely proud of each and every one of our superstar pupils. It has been a year of change, particularly in terms of the school building, with our big extension to the front of the building and new windows in the main build. Thanks to the preparation and planning by the staff team, children have coped magnificently with these changes and continued to enjoy learning on site and in the local community. We have seen wonderful achievements in all classes across the school, and this week staff and children will be celebrating their learning!


Important Diary Date: We have had notification this week that the school extension will not be fully completed for us to get into properly until the end of the summer break. For this reason, the Governors and Local Authority have approved an additional INSET day, for the whole school building to be properly prepared for the children in the Autumn term. This means that all Oaklands children will return to school on Wednesday 30th August (differing from what was previously on our website).


Leavers’ Assembly: On Thursday, we have a Leavers’ assembly starting at 1.15pm to say Goodbye to pupils who are moving on to new schools. This will be a special time to celebrate achievements and wish children and their family’s good luck for the future. We are proud of every one of our children and will miss them all, but know that they have been well prepared to move on. If your child is leaving us this year, we do hope you will be able to join us for this assembly, and that you will stay in touch with the school to let us know what your child does in the future.


Parent Event: On Friday, we have pastries and a cuppa with the senior leadership team if you would like to join us.


You will all be receiving your child’s End of Year Report with this letter. These are always a delight to read, to reflect on each child’s achievements and progress during the year. I do hope that you will enjoy reading about your amazing child! In the envelope you will also find a transition booklet that tells them about the class they will be in next academic year. This can be helpful to share with them over the summer holidays to help prepare them for the return to school, telling your child the class name and staff members’ names during the summer holiday and before they return next term.


You will also have received a Summer Newsletter with useful information about activities and support in our local community over the holiday.


Keeping Children Safe: During the summer holidays, we are aware that many children will spend time on their devices at home. It is important that parents/carers know how to make sure children are kept safe from online harms by ensuring there are appropriate security settings on the device. Please find with this letter some supporting information. There is also advice on setting up parental controls on the NSPCC website;


If you feel particularly overwhelmed during the summer break, there are a range of people who can help. Please do keep these numbers somewhere safe. You are not alone.



For Social Care or Early Help support- if you are having a crisis, please contact this number-

Duty and Advice Service 0116 4541004

Samaritans 116 123- Free from any phone

Crisis Team 0808 800 3302

Text ‘Shout’ to 85258 


School Communication: If there are any updates to send to parents during the summer holidays and particularly the week before we return to school, these will be sent via ClassDojo and posted on the school website. If you do not yet have access to ClassDojo, please call the school office for help with this before the end of this week


Have a wonderful summer break,


Sarah and the Oaklands Staff Team

(Sarah Osborne- Headteacher)




