Our next Parent Workshop will be on Wednesday 22nd May. This will be an opportunity to find out about The Carers Centre and to learn more about how to support children's sensory differences.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


  • March 2020 Family Newsletter

    Mon 30 Mar 2020
  • Home Learning Ideas

    Mon 30 Mar 2020
     We hope everyone is keeping safe and has had a good week.  For this week's home learning ideas please look in the curriculum section of our website.
  • Warning: Scam Email

    Thu 26 Mar 2020
    The Department for Education (Dfe) have been informed that some parents have received an email stating: ‘As schools will be closing, if you're entitled to free school meals, please send your bank details and we'll make sure you're supported’. This is a scam email - do not respond, and delete immediately.
  • Letter from Vicky Ford MP

    Wed 25 Mar 2020
    Please click here to read a letter to all parents/carers from Vicky Ford MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families. As the Minister responsible for SEND, the letter sets out the steps being taken to support families of children with SEND at this difficult time.
  • Home Learning Ideas

    Tue 24 Mar 2020
    For this weeks home learning ideas please look in the curriculum section of our website. Feel free to have a go at as many as you want and repeat any that your child loves!!!
  • Movie Modelling for Children 'School is Closed'

    Tue 24 Mar 2020

    Parents/carers have told us that some of our Oaklands children are finding it very difficult to understand why they are not coming to school currently. We have therefore filmed this short clip to try and show them that school is closed. We hope it is helpful. Perhaps you can practice the Makaton signs at home together.

    Click here to see the film clip

  • Useful Social Story about Coronavirus

    Tue 24 Mar 2020

    Please use this visual story to help talk to your child about the Coronavirus. It is important that they have facts to help them understand what is happening. Validate their feelings rather than try to change them. If they are anxious, tell them that this is a natural reaction.



  • Clarification on Key Workers

    Sat 21 Mar 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    We spoke to all parents on Friday regarding the need for children to stay at home where possible.

    As you will be aware, we have to follow the Government guidance issued here:

    The guidance states that:

    'If workers think they fall within the critical categories above they should confirm with their employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, their specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service.'

    Please could you contact your employer to confirm that this is the case?

    The Governments’ response is designed to severely reduce the spread of the virus.

    ‘The most recent scientific advice on how to further limit the spread of COVID-19 is clear. If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.

    That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend.’

    We therefore urge you to consider carefully whether your child ‘absolutely needs to attend school’.

    If your employer has confirmed that both parents are key workers and you have no other option to keep your child at home, the school will be able to provide care for your child as needed.

    If one parent is confirmed as a Key Worker, but the other parent is not, we believe that the best thing for your child and family is that your child is cared for at home where possible. This will limit the possibility of your child being exposed to the virus and in turn exposing the Key Worker to the virus.

    Please remember that school staff are putting themselves at risk by continuing to work in school, so we are trying our utmost to limit the numbers in school to only those that cannot be cared for elsewhere.

    Please also note the following:

    ‘The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.

    Schools are, therefore, being asked to continue to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable and children whose parents are critical to the Covid-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home.'

    We thank-you all for your support to keep everyone safe at this very difficult time.


    Sarah Osborne


  • Letter to Parents

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Friday 20th March

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Coronavirus Update


        During the past couple of days, we have been closely monitoring our staffing situation to try and retain effective supervision for your children in school.

         The government have now released guidance for all schools that helped us to clarify the expectations they have of us as a school and our parents. The key principle to be able to keep all children safe at this:


    ‘If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be’.


    At this very difficult time, the health of the whole nation has to come before education whilst the NHS and Government assess what further measures may be necessary to protect our public health and services. Whilst we will remain open for a very small number of children, whose parents are frontline workers, we must keep the numbers very small to ensure everybody’s safety and wellbeing. At this time, I would ask you to consider what is best for your child and your family.


    As Headteacher, I am also very conscious of the impact this crisis is having on my staff team and their own families as well. We know that the Coronavirus will affect many families nationally and we are keen to ensure that our Oaklands family and our own loved ones stay safe. We have spoken to most parents today and have been overwhelmed by your support at this very difficult time. You will appreciate that this is a national emergency and I recognise that keeping children at home can disrupt your own lives but this is to ensure the safety of your child and family.


    If your child has been in school today, they will have brought home a pack of learning activities; leaflets to help while you’re at home and a few resources. We will keep in touch with you by phone at least once a week.

    If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal, a packed lunch will be dropped off at the school for your child each day if you wish to collect it. However, in the next few days we will be considering ways in which we can make these more easily accessible to you.


    Obviously the situation is changing with the pandemic every day, so we will let you know what will be happening to school after Easter by Friday 17th April. Information will be sent by text, on Weduc, posted on the website and on Twitter @OaklandsSchool_ 

    We hope that you and your family all stay well.


    Sarah Osborne


  • Coronavirus - 19/03/2020

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Coronavirus Update

    You will no doubt have heard on the news last night that the Government has asked for schools to close, except for provision being made for all of those children of Key Workers or children who have an EHCP. As all of our children have an EHCP this indicates that Oaklands should remain open. However, with many staff self-isolating already, or with their own child care difficulties, this may prove difficult.


    We are working on plans currently to prepare for next week; to determine our staffing levels to try and remain open for our children. We will keep you updated as we gather more information from both the Government and our own staff team.

    As we make plans for the next few weeks, and possibly a long term change in what we are doing, please could I ask you to complete the attached information form, particularly identifying your current employment for us, and return it to us tomorrow.


    As some children are already off school, and we predict that further families may self-isolate in the next few weeks, we have started to put together Learning from Home packs.

    Learning from Home packs: We understand that some children may remain at home for a significant length of time, which may include the Easter holidays. We will therefore provide each child with a learning pack which should come home with them tomorrow. Please do try to keep some routine with your child if they miss school, to ensure that they can continue some meaningful learning and to reduce any anxiety they may be feeling about the change to their normal routine. We hope these will be useful for you and you will enjoy the activities that you could do with your child whilst you are at home. I am very conscious myself of how much time children these days like to spend on their ipads/tablets, and I would encourage you to offer them a variety of activities to do together to stimulate them during this time. We have initially provided three weeks’ worth of activities, but should the time extend beyond the Easter holidays, we will endeavour to provide you with more.

    Communication: Please use our website, Weduc or Twitter to keep up to date with any information or changes.  We will update these regularly during the next few months. The Learning from Home sheets will also be posted  on there.


    Twitter: @OaklandsSchool_

    will inform you by text, website, Weduc and Twitter, and will also use these to inform you when the school is going to reopen.

    Support for Families: We appreciate that this may be a difficult time for many families. There are some helpful numbers below in case you may need any support:

    Oaklands Family Support worker

    (Dhrupti Champaneri): 07842601349


    Oaklands Safeguarding phone number: 07742 800987


    Duty and Advice Service- 0116 454 1004 (For Social Care or the Early Help response team depending on what option you pick)


    Citizen advice- 0300 330 1025


    Salvation Army - 0116 262 1834 (food bank)


    Uava (united against violence and abuse) - 0808 80 200 28 Free text support 07715 994 962


    Disabled children service - 0116 454 4710


    Samaritans - Free from any phone - 116 123 (listening service)


    Turning point - 0330 3036000


    Sexual Health Clinic - 0300 124 0102


    Crisis Team - 0808 800 3302


    Please do try to reassure your child. These are very unusual circumstances but we need to try and reduce anxiety that this may cause for our children, particularly as it may last some considerable time. I will write to you again tomorrow with further information.
