Our next Parent Workshop will be on Wednesday 22nd May. This will be an opportunity to find out about The Carers Centre and to learn more about how to support children's sensory differences.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


  • January 2021 Return to School Update

    Thu 31 Dec 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    After yesterday's announcements from the government, we are clear that special schools for primary years should continue to open as planned, unless on a list distributed by the Department for Education last night. Leicester is not on that list. Therefore, we continue to expect our children back in school on Tuesday 5th January as planned. Government information for parents and carers about the return to schools from January 2021 can be found here.

    As you will have seen, Leicester is now in Tier 4 and further information about the local restrictions can be found here.

    If you have any concerns or queries regarding the start of term, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0116 2415921 from Monday or email   

    We continue to urge you to be extremely vigilant. You MUST not send your child in to school if they have symptoms of Coronavirus or are unwell. If anyone in your household has symptoms of Coronavirus, your whole household must self-isolate. 

    Symptoms of Coronavirus are:

    a new and persistent cough,

    a high temperature

    a loss of or change of taste or smell (anosmia)


    If anyone in your household has symptoms, please follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that you should arrange to have a test to see if they or you have Coronavirus. You can book a test online at or call 119. There are also walk in test centres around Leicester. Further information can be found here

    There are currently test centres open at: (Most are open 8am-8pm.)

    • Aylestone Leisure Centre
    • Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre
    • Birstall Park and Ride
    • Highfields Centre
    • Humberstone Park
    • Jubilee Square
    • Overton Road
    • Victoria Park
    • Upper Brown Street (Walk in)

    We hope you have had a restful break and look forward to seeing your child back in school on Tuesday 5th January.



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Christmas End of Term 2020

    Thu 17 Dec 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    We would just like to take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas time and thank you all for your continued support through what has been a challenging and yet enjoyable & successful term. Your children always amaze us, and this term they have shown incredible resilience and flexibility. We know that for our children at Oaklands, returning to school after the first lockdown would have been incredibly difficult. However, with your help in preparing them to return and our staff team’s thorough planning for each child, they quickly adapted to changes and new routines. The term has seen many achievements across the school, for individuals and groups of children, despite the interruptions with self-isolation periods for most classes at different points. We appreciate how parents/carers have worked hard during these self-isolation period, using remote learning packs to ensure that children continue to be stimulated and work towards targets where possible at home. As a parent myself, I acknowledge that it is not easy to try and replicate school activities in the home environment.


    Thank you for continuing to send your child in to school. Whole school attendance continues to be exceptionally strong and we are grateful that despite concerns about the pandemic, parents/carers have demonstrated a commitment to ensuring that our Oaklands children continue to get their education; to learn, have fun and progress together. Please can I ask you to continue to promote strong attendance in the new year.


    Just a reminder that the children finish school today and will return on Tuesday 5th January. We do hope that you have kept the information sent yesterday to contact us if your child tests positive for Covid-19 between 18th-23rd December: Tel: 07742 800987 or email


    We require this information to undertake contact tracing within our school community. If your child develops symptoms after 12pm on Wednesday 23rd December, then there is no requirement to notify school.


      If necessary, we will continue to communicate with you during the Christmas break via Weduc or the   school website. Please do continue to check for any messages, particularly up to 23rd December and before returning on 5th January.


    Although there are many things that we are all missing during the pandemic, I am truly thankful for our close knit Oaklands community of children, families & staff, who at difficult times such as this, always come together, showing kindness and support to one another. I look forward to a time when I  can welcome you back into school to catch up and celebrate the joy your children bring to us all.


     But for now, our whole staff team would like to wish you a restful and very happy Christmas break & thank-you once again for all your hard work and support throughout this term. You and your children are amazing! Thank-you.



    Sarah Osborne


  • Important Christmas Break Information

    Wed 16 Dec 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    If during the Christmas break your child or anyone in your household becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) please follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that you should arrange to have a test to see if they or you have coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119.  Please email the results of any tests taken by your child during the Christmas period as we need this information for tracing purposes; we will still be required to contact families and staff who may have been contacts.


    Please email any Covid-19 results to or call me directly on 07742800987 during the Christmas period between 10am and 12 pm noon from 18th-23rd December.


    We ask that you retain the telephone numbers attached; stick them on the fridge or keep them somewhere you can easily find them if you do have a case of Coronavirus in your house. There are also other numbers for use over the Christmas holidays if you require support, find yourself struggling or are at a crisis point. Please do ask for help, there is always someone to turn to.


    Stay safe!


    Sarah Osborne




  • Covid-19 Update-Positive Case

    Sat 12 Dec 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Coronavirus Information


      I am writing to advise you that an adult who was in school has tested positive for Coronavirus. However, I would like to reassure you that the child was not in your child’s class, unless you have been notified by Weduc earlier today.

    The children in that specific class and the class staff team have now been asked to self-isolate for 14 days from the last day of contact.

    We are very conscious that with only one week to go until the end of the term, children are becoming very tired and it can be difficult to tell whether they are tired or ill. Please do continue to be extremely vigilant to keep everyone safe this Christmas time. We would very much like everyone in our Oaklands community to be able to enjoy the time during the easing of restrictions between 23rd and 27th December, and want to do everything we can to ensure that our children and staff can stay well and be able to see loved ones. If you have any concern that your child may be at all ill this week, please notify the school office and keep them at home. If your child has nausea, diarrhoea or any other signs of illness, you MUST keep your child off school for at least 48 hours after the last bout of their illness. 

    If your child becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), you MUST keep them at home and you must follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that your child should self-isolate for at least 10 days and you should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119. Please email the results of any tests taken by members of your household during the isolation period as we need this information in order to safely bring your child back to school. Please email any results to

    Please be vigilant in continuing to look for the symptoms of Coronavirus. If your child or a household member has symptoms of Coronavirus and you need further advice you can call NHS 111.

    If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your child’s safety is our utmost priority. .  



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • End of Term Notice

    Thu 10 Dec 2020

    Important End of Term update


    Dear Parents/Carers,


          I am writing to inform you of the latest Government advice to schools. On Tuesday, the Government suggested that schools use Friday 18th December as a training day for staff. This is because the Department for Education want six clear days of contact tracing after schools break up and before Christmas Eve. All school leaders will therefore be expected to support with contact tracing through to Wednesday 23rd December.


    For this reason, Oaklands will be closed to all pupils on Friday 18th December. The last day of term will now be Thursday 17th December.


    We recognise that many parents may be concerned about children being in school on the last week of term, with less than ten days then before possibly visiting family/grandparents during the eased restrictions from 23rd December to 27th December. However, school will be open as usual until 17th December. We hope that you will feel confident to send your child in to school Monday 14th to Thursday 17th, but please do call the school if you have any worries.


    We apologise for the late notice regarding the end of term, but this has come directly from the Government advice for schools sent out this week.

    Many thanks for your understanding,




    Sarah Osborne

