Our next Parent Workshop will be on Wednesday 22nd May. This will be an opportunity to find out about The Carers Centre and to learn more about how to support children's sensory differences.
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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures

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Oaklands School

Building Foundations for Fulfilling Futures


  • School Reopening

    Fri 30 Oct 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I am very pleased to be able to inform you that school will be open again on Monday. I have notified transport accordingly. 


    Following public health advice & government guidance, your child should return to school on Monday providing they remain well. This guidance can be found here:


    However, if your child becomes unwell with a new and persistent cough, or a high temperature, or has a loss of or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), you must keep them at home and you must follow guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which sets out that your child should self-isolate for at least 10 days and you should arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19). You can book a test online at or call 119.


    Please be vigilant in continuing to look for the symptoms of Coronavirus. If your child or a household member has symptoms of Coronavirus and you need further advice you can call NHS 111.

    You must keep your child off school for 48 hours if they have nausea, diarrhoea or any other signs of illness. Please ring the school office to let us know.


    If you have any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to keeping our Oaklands community safe at all times, and we are particularly grateful for your support during this pandemic.

    Have a good weekend,



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • School Closure

    Thu 29 Oct 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    I am writing to update you following my message yesterday about the school being closed today. I have been in contact with Public Health and the Local Authority this morning and they have advised that we have followed all the correct steps to keep our school community safe by closing the school today.

    Our premises officers have both been advised to self-isolate, but neither have symptoms since being in contact with the person who has tested positive for Covid 19. I want to reassure you that none of our children came into contact with the person who has tested positive. There is no need for any of our children or other members of staff to self-isolate as a consequence.

    Unfortunately, due to being unable to arrange for a cover premises officer at such short notice, the leadership team along with the Chair of Governors have had to make the decision to close the school again tomorrow. As you will appreciate, our premises officers play a key role in ensuring that our children are kept safe and secure during the day, and with health and safety being a priority, we must be confident that we can open the school and keep everyone safe.

    Therefore, I am writing to inform you that Oaklands will be closed again tomorrow, Friday 30th October. We will of course keep you updated.


    Sarah Osborne


  • End of Autumn 1

    Fri 16 Oct 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,

                                       I am sure you will agree that this half term has flown by. We were delighted with the way in which our Oaklands children returned in September and settled in to their new routines. They have continued to develop their understanding of the changes in school and build relationships so that we all now have a new normal at Oaklands. The children have adapted incredibly well, and with the support of our incredibly hard-working staff team, children across the school have been making fantastic progress already!

    I know that the entire Oaklands team would like to thank-you for supporting us by keeping children at home if they have any illness, helping to keep everyone safe. Your communication with the school has been very much appreciated. Please do continue to let us know if you are keeping your child off school for having any of the symptoms of Coronavirus or if they have any other illness. This is helping us to respond extremely quickly if we do have any concerns about Covid-19. The recent rise in Coronavirus cases nationally continues to concern us all. We therefore ask that after half term, you continue to be vigilant and only send your child in to school if they are well. We will endeavour to keep you all updated about what is happening regarding Coronavirus. Currently, we are pleased that the school has been able to stay open to ensure that our children benefit from the continuation of their education and are grateful that our Oaklands family has worked so well together to keep everyone safe.

    Thank-you to those parents who drop off and collect children from school, who have followed the instructions given about staying in cars and arriving at specific times. This has certainly made the car park a safer place and has helped to ensure that the ‘bubbles’ work from the beginning of the day, right to the end.

    Finally, I would like to remind you that school opens again on Monday 26th October. We do hope that you all have a restful half term, and we look forward to seeing your child back again after the break.

    Many thanks for your support,



    Sarah Osborne (Headteacher)

  • Parent Governors Wanted

    Tue 13 Oct 2020



                  Oaklands School


         Parent Governors Wanted



    Do you have the time and skill set to become a School Governor? We are hoping to recruit new Parent Governors to support our journey from Good to Outstanding.

    As you will be aware, Oaklands School is a very special place; from the majestic oak tree outside the school building to the spinney at the back, it is full of nature, open spaces, and opportunities to learn. Our school building is unusual: built in a square with a garden and playground at the centre. All of our classrooms have outside space and look out onto trees and play areas. This ‘inside-outside’ aspect of the school building perfectly reflects the ‘inside-outside‘ way of living and learning at Oaklands for every member of our community, whether staff, parent or child. We want the same for our governors and will support you with training so no experience is needed- just a commitment to termly school visits and approximately 8 meetings over the year.

    We want all of our pupils to be confident happy children who know they have value and who have a sense of their own abilities. We want them to be able to communicate in whatever way or ways they are comfortable with; to have a voice and be listened to; to know that they have rights and responsibilities, and that they are entitled to learning that is fun, challenging and meaningful whatever their abilities or starting points. 

    This is an exciting opportunity for a parent to join the Governing Body. Our school is changing and growing and we value Parent Governor input to ensure that we always achieve the best outcomes for our children. We offer support and training and would love to hear from you if you are interested. Please do call to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership team if you are considering joining us. Contact Oaklands School at 0116 241 5921 or by email to:

  • Mental Health Awareness Day

    Fri 09 Oct 2020

    On Saturday it is World Mental Health Day.  The theme this year is 'Mental health for all'.  We  invited staff and pupils to wear yellow today to raise awareness for mental health and Youngminds. 




  • Support for Parents

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

    The Department of Health and Social Care have made a how to video on testing your child for coronavirus.  This is for the throat and nose swab test. 



